April 7, 2021

Both the science and consumer marketplace for CBD and cannabinoids are not just moving rapidly. They are twisting, overlapping and at times taking unexpected detours due to variables like state and federal laws and particularly, the challenge to fully inform the public.

The uncertainties have left pharmacists and the medical community in need of clarity.

The Pharmacists Education on CBD & Cannabinoids Symposium held in March cleared up a lot of this confusion thanks to a host of expert speakers who provided crucial guidance on important legalities, discussed the science behind the chemistry and pharmed dynamics of the compounds, separated which products help certain ailments for patients and reviewed case studies of clinical products’ most up-to-date usages.

The 8 sessions were recorded and are now available for you to listen and learn at your own convenience. Earn up to 11 hours of continuing education when you purchase the bundle. Individual sessions are also available on-demand.

The symposium was presented by Pharmacists Public Health Initiatives and supported by Greenwich Bioscience.

Attendees to the live two days of sessions reported that the symposium helped inform them on a range of topics, from genetics of cannabinoids to its therapeutics to liability for pharmacists.

Visit the symposium website: https://cannabis.publichealthpharmacists.org/cbdsymposium/

Key takeaways from attendees-

“One of the best virtual programs I have attended since COVID- Very informative sessions. A lot of information. I will need to go back and listen again to all of the presentations.”

“There is information about the states that have requirements that a Pharmacist, RN or PA must be employed by dispensaries – and if this is a trend that will be the new norm.”

“That pharmacies/owners could potentially be liable for selling CBD products that don’t end up meeting requirements/laws.”

“It has caused me to have serious consideration to the promotion of CBD products in my advertising. Compounding using CBD would be in violation because CBD does not have a recognized monograph.”

“Good explanation of CB1 and CB2 receptors and their actions.”